Our citizen Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Bellaire Parks, Recreation and Facilities Department welcome you to Planting Palooza–30 Days of Planting, throughout the month of April. We hope you’ll take part and come together with us in growing and improving our community from the ground up, as #OneBellaire. Planting Palooza will be celebrated daily on social media and the City website to showcase our efforts to keep Bellaire healthy, beautiful and green. To participate, simply share pictures of your planting projects, no matter how big or small, and enjoy those of your neighbors as well. Residents, local businesses and organizations are all invited to join the fun!
Planting Palooza will also feature lectures, how-to’s and other informative presentations from area experts. Several of our community partners including the Nature Discovery Center and Evelyn’s Park, as well as the Bellaire City Library, will host interactive educational and planting events for kids and families. The Bellaire Business Association will be sponsoring a Family Planting Day on April 10, Patrons for Bellaire Parks will have a pecan tree dedication and seed giveaway on April 14 in the greenspace at the Library, and Trees for Houston will be supplying free seedlings for distribution on Earth Day, April 22, at Evelyn’s Park. And there’s also a coloring contest for kids, brought to you by our citizen Culture and Arts Board, with prizes to be awarded in each of the pre-K, elementary and middle school categories.
For more information and event updates, keep an eye on the City website and follow Bellaire Parks and Rec on Facebook. To get involved and share pictures of your planting projects, e-mail palooza@bellairetx.gov and post them on social media, using the hashtag #OneBellaire. Let’s get planting!

For more information and event updates, keep an eye on the City website and follow Bellaire Parks and Rec on Facebook. To get involved and share pictures of your planting projects, e-mail palooza@bellairetx.gov and post them on social media, using the hashtag #OneBellaire. Let’s get planting!