May 19, 2023

Upcoming Public Input and Engagement Opportunities

Lots going on in Bellaire over the next couple of months, including a number of public input and engagement opportunities.  Your participation in these meetings will help shape the future of our city and we want to hear from you!  Please make plans to attend as many as you can, and be on the lookout for further announcements later in the year.

Comprehensive Plan Review

Tuesday and Wednesday, May 23 and 24, the Comprehensive Plan Review kicks off with the first of several listening sessions.  While open to all stakeholders, next week’s are scheduled in the morning with the goal of reaching local businesses and community partners early in the process; there will be future sessions in the evening.  Sign up to attend here (business stakeholders) or here (community partners and residents).

May 16, 2023

FY 2024-26 Strategic Plan

Though often overlooked and underappreciated, strategic planning is a big part of what we do.  Indeed, it’s at the very heart of our role under the council-manager form of government.  Council sets the big-picture policy direction, which the City Manager and staff then execute in their daily work.

Council’s adoption of a fiscal year 2024-26 Strategic Plan represents a next-level enhancement to our existing strategic planning model.  It adds a new layer of granularity, with goal statements to further articulate Council’s Strategic Focus Areas and strategies for an organized approach to their implementation.  Most significant, it lays out a list of specific tasks that staff came up with, and Council approved, as a menu of sorts to choose from over a rolling three-year period.

It is not a guarantee that each of these tasks will actually be realized—funding must still be allocated in annual budgets and future spending decisions made by Council.  Nor is the list necessarily exclusive.  It can and will change over time as needs and circumstances arise.

