October 24, 2018

Planning for a Potential 2019 Bond Program

Our major capital improvements are accomplished through successive bond programs over many years, addressing our infrastructure needs systematically in order of greatest urgency.  Even as we were developing our current Bonds for Better Bellaire 2016, we were already targeting 2019 for the next round.  Maintaining the same pace of work as its predecessors, BBB16 provides funding for three years’ worth of street and drainage infrastructure, and water and wastewater utility projects.  All of those are proceeding right on schedule, so it’s time to start thinking about a potential BBB19 to keep the progress going, and even accelerate it.

This week the City Council, City Manager and department heads kicked off the discussion with a half-day planning session devoted to the subject.  It was a high-level conceptual workshop to receive information and provide feedback and guidance to staff.  Certainly no decisions were made and there are plenty of details left to be worked out, but the overall consensus of Council is that current planning efforts are on the right track.

